Inheritance and Polymorphism in C++
By Swann

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Inheritance and Polymorphism stand out as pivotal pillars in C++'s object-oriented programming (OOP) model, fostering code reusability and dynamic behaviors in applications. Inheritance enables a class (derived class) to inherit attributes and behaviors from another class (base class), while Polymorphism allows objects to be treated as instances of their parent class.
Inheritance in C++
- Code Reuse: Inheritance allows derived classes to reuse code from base classes.
- Hierarchical Classification: It enables the creation of a class hierarchy that reflects the "is-a" relationship.
class DerivedClass : accessSpecifier BaseClass { };
Types of Inheritance
- Single Inheritance: A class inherits from one base class.
- Multiple Inheritance: A class inherits from multiple base classes.
- Multilevel Inheritance: A class inherits from a base class, which in turn inherits from another class.
- Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple classes inherit from a single base class.
class Vehicle {
void transport() {
cout << "Transporting..." << endl;
class Car : public Vehicle { // Single Inheritance
void hasWheels() {
cout << "Has 4 wheels" << endl;
Polymorphism in C++
- Multiple Forms: Polymorphism enables objects to be used as instances of their base type.
- Dynamic Method Binding: It binds method calls to their definitions at runtime.
- Compile-Time Polymorphism (Static): Method overloading and operator overloading.
- Run-Time Polymorphism (Dynamic): Implemented using virtual functions and pointers.
class Shape {
virtual void draw() { // Virtual function
cout << "Drawing Shape" << endl;
class Circle : public Shape {
void draw() override { // Overriding base class method
cout << "Drawing Circle" << endl;
Utilizing Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Design Patterns: Implement OOP design patterns effectively using inheritance and polymorphism.
- Code Organization: Organize code into a coherent class hierarchy.
- Dynamic Behavior: Implement dynamic behaviors and method calls using polymorphism.
Inheritance and Polymorphism in C++ pave the way for crafting efficient, organized, and dynamic applications by leveraging code reusability and runtime flexibility. By mastering these concepts, developers can design robust class hierarchies and implement dynamic behaviors, vital for developing complex C++ applications.